What To Expect at Claims Time

You Can Report Your Claim to Us Anytime from Anywhere
CRASH! = shock + dismay + confusion + fear + sometimes anger.
After a crash, you experience a wide range of emotions. Rest easy, here are a few tips to get you through it.
At the scene
Call the police so they can create a report. Gather information from all drivers involved.
Call Indiana Farmers Insurance and allow our team of claim professionals to assist you through the claims process. You can report your claim to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us at 800.477.1660 or report your claim via our Claim Center.
Now what?
Your claim will be assigned to a claims adjuster. The adjuster will call you within 24 hours.
Your claims adjuster will review your insurance coverage and assess your damages and immediate needs. The adjuster may obtain an auto appraiser to calculate the damage to your vehicle. A rental vehicle may be set up for you if you have purchased this coverage. The adjuster will also discuss any injuries and the medical payment coverage in your policy.
The Settlement Process
After the auto appraisal is complete, your adjuster will discuss the final cost of vehicle repairs, any outstanding rental issues as well as any covered outstanding medical bills.